The Plan
If you stumbled onto this website, two things strike me:
First, you received the news that you have cancer or a serious ailment. Secondly, God had a hand in directing you here; for I am assured God has a plan for your life and that plan includes health and wholeness.

Five years ago, I had outpatient surgery to remove 3 kinds of skin cancer on my back. At this time the surgeon discovered the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes and scheduled another surgery to remove the cancerous ones. A Pet Scan found the cancer had spread internally to 3 other areas in my body and this became a whole new ball game.
Let me back up now to share that I lost four friends with a similar diagnosis as mine and with each I sensed a heavy burden that this was just wrong. I know the scripture stating God gives gifts to men and that God has displayed gifts of healings in (through) different people. My prayer combined with burden would not let go of me. I had to do something about this. To my surprise I found myself fighting for my own life. Now enough of my story so let’s move on to how the Holy Spirit guided me to healing and wholeness and how God had revealed to me how to defeat this thing that is taking the lives of so many.
Traditionally, if you have been involved in church, you would have heard statements like “faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.” or “if you just have enough faith.”, yet they just seemed to keep losing in their struggle. All these statements have a place in the believer’s life but there is something greater, more personal, that needs to go on. Your Relationship with God.
I am not going to lead you on like some infomercial and then trying to sell you some product.
The Steps Involved:
1. The Word of God
The logos or general body of the word, the Bible, must become rhema, living words, which God sends you individually to fight your good fight of faith. God will give you a specific path and in that hearing faith will come. Heb. 1:3B …… “upholding all things by the word of His power.” Not so fast, that does not say the power of His word but reveals He will give you specific words endued with His power to bring about His will in your life. It is called being led of the Spirit. It generates the faith needed. You must develop sensitive ears to hear and eyes to see clearly God’s plan for you at this point.
2. The Holy Spirit in Prayer
An intimate relationship developed through the Holy Spirit that conveys God’s love (faith works by love) and God’s power. It is the Holy Spirit that supernaturally brought us a Saviour from a young virgin girl who heard the voice of God. You must now clearly hear His voice through the Spirit. “My sheep hear My voice.”
3. Praise & Worship
As good as the praise and worship might be in your church, it does not compare with where praise and worship God can lead you on your own in your own life. That is a part of personal devotion that must be developed.
The balance of these three developed in your life will bring you the life we see displayed in the ministry of Christ and should become the pattern for the success of all New Testament believers in times of great need. When Abraham quit focusing on his need and changed his focus to the promises of God there was a grace that God put forth in his life. You can have that same grace. The scripture “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you” becomes everything you want and need. “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
What is next? On my web site you will see my email address and phone number. You need to contact me to set up a time to speak for every bit of an hour. We will discuss the three areas outlined to bring your devotions up to speed. I will recommend a structured teaching that will guide you into the living word of God that goes far beyond healing but will address the whole man or woman.
If you are willing to devote real time to seeking God I will commit my time to helping you arrive at your destination. I owe this to God for helping me through my time of need. If your heart is tugging on you I need to hear from you soon. Time is a factor.
Blessings, Rev Rex Henry.